We provide information to help parents, carers and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) find services and support. We welcome your comments and suggestions to help us make it easier for you to find and use the information you need. We will publish responses to comments on the You said, we did section of the website.

For queries about your individual child’s needs, including EHCPs or EHC needs assessments, please contact [email protected]

For comments, queries or feedback on this local offer website, please contact [email protected]

For all other enquiries, visit our Find Organisations section and search for the team you require.

You can also contact us by email using the electronic form or the postal address below.

Barnet Education and Learning Service,
2 Bristol Avenue,

If you are not happy with the Local Offer response, you can make a complaint through Barnet Council’s complaints procedure Each service directory page has a page rating where you can leave feedback. Ratings will be submitted to the organisation directly and to Barnet Council, who will review feedback as part of our monitoring arrangements for commissioned services. You can expect every service listed within the directory to provide you with information about how to raise concerns or make complaints about their individual services.