SEN support is a category of support for pupils with SEN.  Such pupils will be receiving special educational provision. 

SEN support for children under 5 includes:

  • a written progress check when your child is 2 years old
  • a child health visitor carrying out a health check for your child if they’re aged 2 to 3
  • a written assessment in the summer term of your child’s first year of primary school
  • making reasonable adjustments for disabled children, like providing aids like tactile signs

Nurseries, playgroups and childminders registered with Ofsted follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. The framework makes sure that there’s support in place for children with SEND.  Talk to a doctor or health adviser if you think your child has SEND but they don’t go to a nursery, playgroup or childminder. They’ll tell you what support options are available.


SEN Support for a child aged 5-15 years might include:

  • a special learning programme
  • extra help from a teacher or assistant
  • to work in a smaller group
  • observation in class or at break     
  • help taking part in class activities
  • extra encouragement in their learning, eg to ask questions or to try something they find difficult
  • help communicating with other children
  • support with physical or personal care difficulties, eg eating, getting around school safely or using the toilet

Talk to the teacher or the SEN co-ordinator (SENCO) if you think your child needs extra help.

SEND Frequently Asked Questions:

Barnet have created a ‘SEND Frequently Asked Questions’ document that can answer many queries and signpost relevant information, links and services.

How can a SENCO help?

Barnet SENCOs have developed a SEND toolkit.  You can take a look at the toolkit in the links below and this will give you an idea of what to expect from your child's SENCO.

You can also take a look at our Ordinarily Available guidance document - this describes the provision that should be ordinarily available in state funded education settings in Barnet.  

The Barnet ‘My Support Plan' is a template for children and young people identified at SEN Support.  It forms part of an exemplar framework and reflects the four-stage cycle of Assess – Plan – Do – Review.  It involves parents and the child or young person at the earliest stage with a person-centred planning component in the form of a one page profile.  It was piloted by a selection of Barnet primary and secondary schools.  The new template and guidance was developed through a coproduction approach and evolved as a result of feedback from parents and professionals from Education, Health and Social Care. 

If your child is aged 16 or over and is in further education, or planning to go into further education, contact the college before your child starts further education talk about how they can meet your child’s needs.  The college and your local authority will talk to your child about the support they need.

Some pupils with more complex needs may need support above and beyond what is ordinarily available in a setting, this might mean that the pupil would need an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.


Universal, targeted and specialist interventions and services for social emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs in Barnet

This document is a resource for schools describing SEMH interventions and services available in the local area. It was developed by a working group of representatives from the Barnet community from the Leading Edge Group (LEG) for SEMH, including parents/carers; SENCo representatives from Barnet primary, secondary and special schools; advisory teacher from high incidence support team (HIST); educational psychologist (EP) and wellbeing practitioner.

Inclusion criteria for the interventions and services listed include:

  • Researched and evidence-based for children and young people aged 2 to 25 years old
  • Recommended by local school staff and school-based practitioners
  • Available locally

Caution: The document is not an exhaustive list. The document does not promote or advocate organisations and interventions but offers a range of interventions and services that may meet specific SEMH needs. It will be reviewed regularly and inclusion in the list will be agreed at the Barnet SEMH LEG meetings. Up-dates to the document will be published on the Barnet Local Offer. Please email suggested changes to: [email protected]



Whole class or school interventions; available to all.


Group or individual interventions; available to some children and young people with specific SEMH needs.


Interventions for individuals with more significant SEMH needs (including specialist interventions).

School Anxiety

Many children may become anxious about some aspect of school life at some point in their school lives. For some pupils, anxiety about a particular aspect of school life or home life may become overwhelming and sometimes the anxiety generalises to other aspects of school life.

To support schools and families, the Barnet SEMH (social emotional and mental health) Leading Edge Group have developed the school anxiety pack and information for schools.