The Annual Review should monitor the child/young person’s progress towards their outcomes and longer-term aspirations.  The Local Authority will review EHC Plans a minimum of every 12 months, every 6 months for a child under 5 years old.  Reviews will focus on the child or young person’s progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in the EHC plan.  The review will also consider whether these outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate.  In most circumstances, The Local Authority will ask the education setting the child/young person attends to hold the Annual Review.


The forms to complete an Annual Review are held on our Barnet SENCO Zone and can be found here: Annual Review of an EHC Plan


Parent carers, children and young people are encouraged to give their views as part of the Annual Review. They can either complete the Barnet Annual Review forms or share their views and wishes in a way that is appropriate and supportive to them.